Woodford County High School has high-quality Careers, Advice and Guidance, to support our high achieving and ambitious students. This is developed throughout a student’s time at the school and is always supportive of their aspirations, strengths and skills.
Statutory Guidance
The policy attached below summarises the statutory guidance and recommendations. It then outlines the provision of careers education, work experience and provider access.
Statutory requirements and recommendations
The careers provision at Woodford County High School is in line with the statutory guidance developed by the Department for Education, which refers to Section 42A and 45A of the Education Act 1997. This states that all schools should provide independent careers guidance from Years 8 -13 and that this guidance should: be impartial, include information on a range of pathways, including university options or apprenticeships and be adapted to the needs to the student. In addition, the school is compliant with the careers guidance that the government set out for delivery from 5 January 2018: ‘Careers Guidance and Inspiration for young people in schools.’ This states that all academies must give education and training providers the opportunity to talk to students about approved technical qualifications and apprenticeships.
Employers Engagement
Building relationships with schools benefits everyone. Engaging with employers has transformative effects on the employment outcomes of young people. These encounters bring the world of work to life, develop skills, and encourage young people to take control of their futures. Employees working with schools benefit, too. They can develop new skills which can help further their own career progression and employer-supported volunteering often leads to increased brand loyalty and employee engagement. Evidence shows that just 4 encounters with the world of work has a huge effect on a young person’s future. Many businesses start small and develop a school engagement strategy over time
Other training and education providers are very welcome to speak to our students at key transition points (Y9, Y11, Y13) so that the students are furnished with information about a full range of options available to them in the next stages of their education and/or training. If you are interested in finding out more about how you can access our students please contact our Careers coordinator, Ms K. Patel, on 020 8 504 0611 or email on patelk@woodford.redbridge.sch.uk