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GCSE results have again been the cause for much celebration this year.  Our Key Stage 4 curriculum is a challenging one, encompassing the full English Baccalaureate with additional stretch and challenge of Triple Science for all.  Our 2023 cohort had outstanding results to celebrate – and celebrate they most certainly did!  We are delighted for them and extend our congratulations not only to the candidates themselves, but also to their parents and, of course, to the teachers and support staff who made it all possible.

Grade 9 is the highest GCSE grade allocated, reserved for the very best performances.  At Woodford this year no fewer than 32% of entries achieved this accolade, with 80% in the 9 – 7 range (equivalent to the old A* - A).  6 students achieved straight 9s and 25 students achieved a complete suite of 8s & 9s.  We were pleased to be informed by the relevant exam board that one of our students was a top performer in the country for Latin GCSE!

We hope our students will enjoy their celebrations and we look forward to welcoming them into the Sixth Form at the beginning of September.


No of Year 11 pupils 178
No of GCSE entries 1754
% of levels 9 – 7 (equivalent to A*+ A Grades ) 80%
% of levels 9 32%
% of pupils achieving 5+ levels 9-5 100%
% of pupils achieving 5+A*-C levels 9-5 including English & Maths 99%
% of students attaining English Baccalaureate 97%



The A-Level results are the second set since the pandemic and for the students concerned their very first experience of public examinations.  The anxiety attending results day will have been heightened for them not only by this context but by all the pronouncements in the media about the deliberate dampening of results.  We salute our students in their navigation of this matter.  Teachers, like parents, are very proud of them.

We join our students in celebrating the results released this August (17/08/23).  Attainment remains high across the cohort and across the curriculum. Those collecting those all-important envelopes in person were characteristically quick to rejoice as much in their friends’ achievements as their own.  It’s very noticeable this year that universities have loosened their requirements slightly in response to the raising of grade boundaries.  Students these days can check their UCAS status before grades are released, so the majority attend already knowing that they have met the requirements made of them.  We had a good morning in school.

We would have been proud of the resilience and focus shown by these students, whatever the results.  But their performance has been very strong.   72% of entries were graded in the top range:  A* to B with 17% achieving the top A* grade designed to recognise the highest levels of achievement.  50 students achieved straight A* or A grades and 7 achieved straight A*s

Woodford students will be taking up places at universities all over Britain in October.  Eight students have Oxbridge places confirmed and (to date) nineteen will be taking up courses in Medicine / dentistry.

We congratulate every one of our A-Level candidates.  We are very proud of their achievements.

No of pupils in cohort completing 2 years of advanced level study in 2023 177
No of A Level entries      556
% of A* Grades achieved 17
% of A*-A Grades achieved 27
% of A*-B Grades achieved 72
% of A*-E Grades achieved 99


EPQ success in Year 12

96 students in Year 12 completed the Extended Project Qualification this year.  Students undertake an independent project (generally in the form of a dissertation) on a subject of their choice.  The qualification is very popular with universities because the knowledge and skills gained are very much those needed for study at undergraduate level.  The EPQ is equivalent to half an A-level and is graded A*-E. It is 100% internally assessed.

EPQ Entries 2023 96
A*-A 73%
A*-B 90%
A*-C 91%
A*-E 100%


  • Woodford 100 Years
  • Investors in Careers
  • Equally Safe
  • 360 degree Safe Award
  • ASGS
  • Healthy School
  • Research Mark
  • TFL Award-Gold
  • The Leaders Council
  • School Leadership Programme
  • The English PTI
  • History PTI
  • The Two Subjects PTI
  • Internatiional Coalition for Girls School' s
  • Top 100 Stem School
  • Sunday Times London State School of the Year 2019
  • London School Music Excellence Award 2018
  • The Parliamentary review
  • Carbon Literacy Project