Severe Weather Arrangements
The School is committed to staying open and operational whenever possible but has detailed procedures in place to support a swift and safe response to severe winter weather.
On days when severe weather puts the operation of the school in any doubt, we aim to communicate with parents and with staff via GroupCall (text messages and e-mails) by 6.30am to indicate the status of the school. An announcement will also be placed on the school website.
The London Borough of Redbridge posts information about the status of all school in the Borough on its website at 8.00am.
In the event that a sudden onset of bad weather during a school day necessitates an early closure, parents will be notified by via GroupCall (text message and e-mail) and a notice will be placed on the website
Parents are advised to check the school website regularly in such circumstances.
Parents are responsible for assessing any risks associated with travel to school in severe weather conditions. You are advised to contact London Transport direct about the operation of buses and trains in periods of severe weather. If such conditions arise during the course of a day, the School will check on the status of buses for the end of the day.
Students do not always make sensible decisions about footwear and outer clothing. Parents are reminded that footwear, in particular, is a safety concern in icy conditions. Students are advised to wear coats and boots to school and to bring dry indoor footwear to change into on arrival.
Start of the Day
Students arriving between 7.40 and 8.20am are to wait in the Dining Room where breakfast will be available, if wanted. In the event of weather so poor that the arrival of some teachers is delayed, students will (at 8.20am) be shown to the school hall where alternative arrangements will be put in place.
Break and Lunch Time
In severe winter weather students will be required to remain indoors at break and lunchtime until the full safety of the site can be determined.
School Closure
In the event of a school closure lasting more than one day, work will be set on Satchel One for each class by the teacher who would be teaching lessons scheduled that day.All students will be expected to complete the work set for them before their return to school.
Latest update:Nov 2023