Careers Events at Woodford
At Woodford County High School, we aim to raise aspirations, challenge stereotypes and encourage students to consider a wide range of careers. Through careers education and guidance it is hoped that students will be encouraged to make the most of their talents and to go on to jobs or courses which suit their needs and intelligence.
We aim to ensure each student has:
- been given the skills and confidence to aim high, be articulate and have the personal skills needed for success in further/higher education and in employment/training
- provide sustained contact with employers, mentors and coaches who can inspire students
- provide access to a wide range of activities that inspire young people (including employer talks, career events, motivational speakers, college and university visits)
- received personalised, appropriate advice on short, medium and long term destinations
- been able to discuss the agreed way ahead with an individual who will then check that he/she is applying as early as possible and certainly within deadlines
- had applications checked and improved in all aspects before they are sent
- had the opportunity for a useful work experience
- a quality CV which has been checked by staff
- a reference prepared that is supportive and fair
- received plenty of interview practice.
Attached document giving an overview of careers events at Woodford.