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The Duke of Edinburgh Bronze Award is offered to our Year 10 students. This award encompasses the four aspects, volunteering, physical activity, practising a skill and an expedition. Sections are approved and monitored through an online platform called EdofE. Participants coordinate their own activities, however, the school has opportunities and support in place for those who need it.


All activities should take approximately 1 hour a week (a total of a 3 hour commitment per week). The Bronze Award follows the below timescales.


A detailed list of ideas for the all sections are on the DofE website. Opportunities offered to Woodford students include:

  • Tutoring at Maths Club during lunchtime
  • Supporting our Library
  • Facilitation of Sports Club
  • Gardening Club during lunchtime
  • Helping younger students at Board Game Club
  • Litter Picking in school

Please note the participants can’t volunteer for profit making organisations.


Many students already have a physical activity they can continue for this section. However, WCHS runs many sports clubs that students can choose from.


The skills section could include learning a language or a musical instrument for instance.

Please note that academic subjects cannot count towards students awards. For example if a student is studying French GCSE they cannot use this as their skill.


The expedition will be run by an external provider. However, a teacher representative will be present.

The provider we currently use offers a 4 day program.

2 days of training (no camping)

2 days of Expedition (one night of camping)

This is a physically challenging activity as students are required to carry all of their gear while navigating across large distances. Please note that this will take place over 2 weekends and students must attend


In the spring term of Year 9 students apply. The application is on MS Forms and involves entering an idea for their Volunteering, Physical and Skill sections.

Applications will be open for one week.

Once applications close a ballot will be taken randomly selecting 100 students. Students will be offered a place and given a deadline to pay their deposit. Once a deposit has been paid students are enrolled and can begin their award. However, the program officially begins in September of Year 10.

Approximate Pricing: £250 including

Bronze D of E Welcome pack and online eDofE account
Expedition (total cost for all 4 days)
This price includes qualified expedition leaders and assessors, GPS trackers, campsite costs and hire of group kit including tents, stoves, maps and compasses. You will need to provide suitable clothing, appropriate footwear, waterproofs, food, a sleeping bag and a sleeping mat.
Contribution to the school’s annual D of E license cost
(price per person based on 100 participants) – This amount may vary depending on the final numbers
Admin fee

Pupil Premium or those in need of financial support should apply to the school for a significant reduction in price.


“For the hundreds of thousands of young people who take part each year, the benefits of achieving a DofE Award at any level are endless. DofE is about helping you along the path to a productive and prosperous future. As many of our participants say, it’s life-changing.

Achieving an Award will give you skills, confidence and an edge over others when you apply for college, university or a job. Beyond your academic achievements, universities want to see evidence of so called ‘soft skills’ that you have developed through extra-curricular activities, such as communication, commitment, leadership and teamwork. Your DofE Award is a fantastic way to demonstrate and evidence these skills in practice.

You’ll also make a difference to other people’s lives and your community, be fitter and healthier, make new friends and have memories to last you a lifetime.

Our participants also tell us that doing their DofE gives them character traits like confidence and resilience, that can boost their mental health and wellbeing and help them face and overcome personal challenges.  

Watch our animations to hear the real stories of four Award holders – Lira, Lucy, George and Catherine – whose DofE gave them the space, focus and motivation to achieve things they never thought they would. 

Hear about other young people’s DofE experiences and find out why top employers look out for Award holders when recruiting.”


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