What is the PFA?
The Parents and Friends Association (PFA) is a registered charity, led by four Trustees (Chair, Vice Chair, Treasurer, and Secretary), with the Headteacher serving as PFA President. Regular meetings are held throughout the year, along with an Annual General Meeting in the Autumn term, which is open to all parents and staff.
The PFA plays a vital role in strengthening the connection between home and school, bringing together parents, staff and friends to support and enrich the learning experience of students. Supporting school activities, and hosting events for the students, the PFA aims to raise funds for the school throughout the school year.
The PFA has been an integral part of the Woodford School Community for many years, and has raised thousands of pounds to finance investment opportunities and provide resources that the school budget cannot meet.
How can you help?
Like many state schools, Woodford County faces many financial challenges, with tight budgets due to rising costs, and government funding that hasn’t kept pace with inflation. It is really important that the PFA continues to fundraise, to support the school with initiatives which enhance the wellbeing of our daughters, and make their school experience even more positive.
There are many ways you can get involved: by joining the PFA Committee, volunteering at events, contributing donations, or simply attending and supporting events.
Please consider donating via the Jubilee Fund, and signing up for easyfundraising, to help continuous support of the PFA, and ultimately make everyone’s time at Woodford County happy, productive and memorable.
What is the Jubilee Fund?
The Jubilee Fund was established in 1977 during the Silver Jubilee, with the primary purpose of supplementing the school’s state funding. The Fund operates similarly to Premium Bonds: parents contribute a monthly amount, and in return, their numbers are entered into a prize draw.
Draws are conducted during PFA meetings once per term, to cover all 12 months of the year. The headteacher selects the numbers at random, and winners receive the prize via cheque. The minimum contribution is just £1 per month, with no maximum limit.
Half of the money raised supports the school, while the other half is distributed as prizes—25% for first place, 15% for second, and 10% for third. The more money donated, the greater the funds raised for the school, and the larger the prizes for contributors.
If you would like to join the Jubilee Fund, please complete the form below. Even a small monthly contribution can make a big difference to the fundraising goals of the PFA.
What is easyfundraising?
If you shop online, you could help raise money for the PFA simply by joining easyfundraising – and it doesn’t cost you a thing. easyfundraising partners with over 8,000 brands, such as Amazon, Tesco & Argos, who will donate part of what you spend to the PFA. The cost is covered by the brand - when you make a purchase online, commission is generated which is turned into a donation.
Follow the instructions below to sign up:
- Go to http://www.easyfundraising.org.uk/causes/wchspfa and register.
- Once you are registered, every time you shop online, do so via the links on the easyfundraising site.
Please get in touch if you would like to get involved with the PFA, or have any comments or suggestions. Thank you for your support.
Email us at: PFASecretary@woodford.redbridge.sch.uk