Hello and welcome!
I’m delighted that you are visiting the Old Girls’ Association pages of the WCHS website. Thank you for your interest.
The Association represents all former pupils of WCHS. We invite all ex-pupils to join our Association for the modest annual subscription of £5, to share news of family and friends which we can publish in our annual newsletter, and to come along to our annual School Birthday Tea, held on the last Saturday of September. This is a special occasion when we are able to meet in the familiar surroundings of our school days and relive old memories with our friends.
In addition, the Association is delighted to contribute towards annual prizes and awards, in recognition of pupils’ service to the school.
We are run by a small committee which looks after membership details, prepares the newsletter, and organises the Birthday Tea. All our committee contacts are on the adjoining pages along with details of this year’s Annual General Meeting and your invitation to the OGA School Birthday.
The Association has been in existence for nearly 100 years and there have been occasions when it was feared that we might fold. We managed to survive Covid and its aftermath as well as the threat of dissolution by an ageing Committee. Our new Committee is on the lookout for former pupils/alumnae to help us take the Association forward.
I look forward to seeing as many of you as possible at this year’s meeting as we celebrate School Birthday together.