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A note or two on instrumental tuition at Woodford County High School


Woodford has a long tradition of excellence in Music. Classroom lessons not only enliven the study of Music as an academic subject, but also actively involve students in music making, fostering an enjoyment of participation and building confidence in composition and performance. In addition to timetabled lessons there are numerous choirs and ensembles; concerts and recitals. There are also regular opportunities to employ musical talent at the service of others. Woodford’s musicians are popular guest performers at concerts locally and at more informal gatherings in local churches and care homes.

Redbridge has a very active and well-established Music Service. It is accommodated in The Music School in Hainault but works actively in schools (both Primary and Secondary) across the Borough. It runs an ambitious school recital programme, hosts instrumental exams and celebrates World Music in its wide variety of forms.

Peripatetic teachers from the Music Service offer both instrumental and singing lessons to students in school, as required. Lesson slots are 15 minutes long or, students are paired with another student of similar ability for a 30 minute lessons and are rotated to avoid excessive disruption to a student’s studies. Instruments (except piano, keyboard and percussion) can be hired from The John Savage Centre with hire charges varying  between £20 - £40 per instrument per term.

Payment arrangements: information for parents

The cost of tuition is currently £400 per year.  In accepting your application for music lessons, we secure a contract with Redbridge Music Service to provide a teacher for the whole academic year. This amount covers tuition costs for the whole year but does not include the cost of hiring an instrument.  If the music teacher is absent for one lesson in the term there is no refund.  (Such absence is usually in association with grade examinations from which your daughter will benefit as she progresses through the stages).  A credit is available if the music teacher is absent for more than one lesson per term and the lesson is not rescheduled.  

Parents requesting tuition for their daughter are required to make a commitment for a full academic year and we require a deposit of £160 which is offset against the third term’s fees (Summer Term) .  Refunds are only considered by the Headteacher in exceptional circumstances (e.g. long term serious illness), or if a replacement can be found.

We are able to offer two payment options as detailed below. 

In both cases your deposit of £160 is required in advance with your application form.

The balance of £240 can be made through:

  • ParentPay

          This will be set up as a reducing balance accoun You can make payments when convenient               for you in accordance with the following deadlines: £120 by 31 December and £120 by 31                   March

  • Bank Standing Order

          £40 per month (over 6 months: October  – March)                                                                                         Complete and return the Standing Order form with your application 

Parents who are in receipt of the following benefits will be exempt from paying the cost of Music tuition:  Income Support (IS), Income Based jobseekers Allowance (IBJSA), The guarantee element of State Pension Credit, An income related employment and support allowance (IBESA), Support under part VI of the Immigration and Asylum Act 1999, Child Tax Credit, provided that you are not entitled to Working Tax Credit and have an annual income (as assessed by Her Majesty’s Revenue and Customs) that does not exceed £16,190, Working Tax Credit – during the four week period immediately after your employment ceases or after you start to work less than 16 hours per week, your children are entitled to free school lunches, Universal Credit.  Your application for tuition will not be accepted without original documentary proof.

Progress of girls receiving free tuition will by kept under review and places withdrawn if commitment is not maintained.

Regular practice is essential if progress is to be made.  Parental encouragement and support is vital and you may be asked to purchase a music tutor book which could cost approximately £10.

Lessons are usually fifteen minutes in duration (30 minutes for paired lessons), and girls are typically withdrawn from normal lessons on a rotational basis.  They are expected to make up work missed.

Girls who receive tuition will be expected to make a full contribution to the musical life of the School.

Pupils who reach suitably high levels of performance may be transferred to Music School lessons (thirty minutes in duration) on the recommendation of the instrumental teacher and following an audition. The school is not charged for these lessons but a reduced fee will be payable to the Redbridge Music Service by parents.

Please remember that you need to make payment for tuition fees to the school but instrument hire/purchase charges will be invoiced by Redbridge Music School.  

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  • 360 degree Safe Award
  • ASGS
  • Healthy School
  • Research Mark
  • TFL Award-Gold
  • TFL Kitemark
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  • School Leadership Programme
  • The English PTI
  • History PTI
  • The Two Subjects PTI
  • Internatiional Coalition for Girls School' s
  • Top 100 Stem School
  • Sunday Times London State School of the Year 2019
  • London School Music Excellence Award 2018
  • The Wellbeing Hub
  • IRIS SCHOOL 2024/25
  • The Parliamentary review
  • Carbon Literacy Project