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Pastoral care and support are fundamental to ensuring that students achieve their best in all areas of school life. Woodford provides a warm, friendly and caring environment in which students achieve outstanding success and seize the many and varied opportunities for personal and social development.

The pastoral system establishes the ethos of the school and provides the daily care of pupils.

Pastoral Support System Years 7-11

The school seeks to work with parents to enable students to thrive at school and fulfil their potential both in and out of the classroom.

Each student is assigned to a Form Group.  The Form’s Tutor will monitor and support the attendance, general welfare and overall academic progress and personal development of their students.  Form Tutors will often be the first point of contact for parents.  Each Form also has two Sixth Form Prefects assigned to them. 

Form Tutors work closely with their relevant Head of Year (Year 7 Mrs James; Year 8 Ms Runacres; Year 9 Miss Gribble; Year 10 Mr Mills; Year 11 Ms Grant)  Heads of Year monitor the well-being, behaviour and overall progress of students in their year and coordinate additional individual support and year group activities and opportunities.  Heads of Year also work closely with one of the Assistant Headteachers who are members of the School Leadership Team (KS3 (Y7, 8, 9) Mrs Greenfield; KS4 (Y10, 11) Dr Ashraff.) 

Additional individual student support, as required, may be given by Form Tutors, Heads of Year, Subject Staff, the Student Guidance Officer (Mrs. Marku) the Health and Welfare Officer (Mrs D. Kaye) or the SEND Team.  We also have a team of trained Counsellors who can work with a student for a number of sessions, should the need arise as well as staff trained as Emotional Support Learning Assistants.  

The school also receives support on a general and individual basis from our allocated School Police Officer, School Nurse, Educational Psychologist and Educational Welfare Officer.  We also work with external agencies to provide support for students.  These include Early Intervention, Social Services or EMHWS (Emotional Mental Health and Wellbeing Services.)

Students see their Form Tutors twice a day and so often approach their Form Tutor should they have any questions or need any help.  They can of course ask any member of staff for help.  Students may also ask for help from or report any concerns to the safeguarding and pastoral team online via tootoot which is accessible from the school website outside of school hours.

Sixth Form

Sixth Form Tutors are responsible for monitoring the overall academic progress, attendance and wellbeing of their tutees. Each student has an individual tutorial with their Tutor every fortnight during which the student has the opportunity to discuss their progress and current issues of importance.

Special Educational Needs

Our Special Educational Needs policy can be found in the Policies section of this website.


  • Woodford 100 Years
  • Investors in Careers
  • Equally Safe
  • 360 degree Safe Award
  • ASGS
  • Healthy School
  • Research Mark
  • TFL Award-Gold
  • TFL Kitemark
  • The Leaders Council
  • School Leadership Programme
  • The English PTI
  • History PTI
  • The Two Subjects PTI
  • Internatiional Coalition for Girls School' s
  • Top 100 Stem School
  • Sunday Times London State School of the Year 2019
  • London School Music Excellence Award 2018
  • The Wellbeing Hub
  • IRIS SCHOOL 2024/25
  • The Parliamentary review
  • Carbon Literacy Project